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Office Requirements Checklist

A summary of the requirements for an Office performing a screening.

Before screening appointment#

Confirm the patient has a screening referral with linked forms.

Confirm the patient has access to their portal, for filling out draft screening and information forms online.

โ˜ Referral: Screening referral on patient's record.
โ˜ Screening Form: Draft copy linked to referral.
โ˜ Lab Results Form: Draft copy linked to referral.
โ˜ Patient Information Form: Draft or existing copy linked to referral.
โ˜ Portal Access: Patient portal invite sent or patient has logged in.

To learn more, visit Prepare the first screening for a patient or Prepare an additional screening for a patient.

PDF Version - Office Checklist Before Screening

Before sending referral to lab#

Confirm the screening referral contains these details and documents before sending it to the lab.

โ˜ Patient Information Form: Locked and linked to referral.
โ˜ Screening Form: Locked and linked to referral.
โ˜ Document ID from the Screening Form: Typed into the referral description and written on the test kit.
โ˜ Lab Results Form: Draft copy linked to referral.
โ˜ Test Photo: Attached to referral.
โ˜ Your Lab: Selected as the Receiving Clinic.

To learn more, visit Send a screening referral to the lab.

PDF Version - Office Checklist Before Sending Screening to Lab